Alan Hulme

May 11, 2023

Is art worth the sacrifice?

Manchester-based Precarious Theatre premiere A Theatre Show at The King's Arms, Salford, July 17-19, as part of the Greater Manchester Fringe Festival.

Following the company's success with Failure Studies in 2021/22, the new work explores the challenges contemporary artists face in the production of their art and the lengths they are willing to go to to share with an audience.

Focusing on four theatre-makers who decide the only logical way to fund the performance of their work is to become criminals, A Theatre Show wonders whether art is really worth the sacrifice.
Precarious Theatre was set up by Marco Biasioli and Liam Grogan in December 2019 to produce new and thought-provoking theatre. They work collaboratively to develop work which asks audiences to examine and question society and how we live in it.

More info here