Alan Hulme

Sep 20, 2022

Shake your asses with the Kardashians

How To Keep Up With The Kardashians is the latest from So La Flair, the Manchester-based collective of emerging artists that "aims to disrupt the current patriarchal norms of theatre-making through collaborative work."

The group hosts alternative cabaret club nights, facilitates community art workshops and creates theatre performances. Members aim to "facilitate a space for the radical restructuring needed in the mainstream arts industry, to progress to equality and empowerment, both on and off stage."

Based on interviews with women and non-binary people aged up to 60, Kardashians is a "dance party protest about shaking our asses to the rhythm of our own drums, reclaiming power by redefining beauty and confronting the ugly truth of our obsession with perfection."

Directed by Lucy Laverty and Scarlett Spicer, the performance mixes verbatim theatre, movement, monologue and sketches embodying the "impossible reach" of beauty standards in our everyday existence.

The show has just finished an Edinburgh fringe run, and pops up now at the John Thaw Studio Theatre in the Martin Harris Centre on the Manchester University campus on September 23.

It's one night only, but a national tour is planned for next year.

More info here