The Floral Pavilion Theatre at New Brighton, Wirral has cancelled all its shows until the end of September because of the high rate of Covid-19 infection in the area.
The theatre – normally busy with holiday crowds at this time of year – had already cancelled all its August shows due to growing infection rates and the number of staff asked to isolate themselves. The whole of September has now been added to the list.
In a statement the venue said the “health of the public and staff must be the first priority”.
The decision to cancel September’s shows was made today to allow pavilion staff to contact ticket holders, producers and promoters. Organisers say the cancellations were made even though Covid-19 case numbers have been dropping in recent times. The overall number is still high, says the theatre, so the decision was taken to keep the pavilion closed to full-capacity shows for at least another month. The theatre will review the decision each week – the next review being in early September.
The pavilion website has a list of cancelled shows and other information here