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Zip It throws its voice behind female victims of assault

Join the studio audience of a Dystopian game show and follow two young women and their experience of womanhood, sexual harassment and domestic violence in a new play heading for the Edinburgh Fringe.

Annabel Harrison Productions' Zip It features current and former members of the National Youth Theatre

and has been written by director and cast member Bel Harrison (right), for an all female cast.

The show plays on April 25-26 at Stage One of Leeds University's Stage@Leeds venue.

Zip It is an immersive and often funny drama that focuses on the experience of rape and sexual assault suffered by many women, but rarely answered by justice in the courts. The audience follows the lives of two young women framed within the setting of a reality dating game show.

Bel Harrison said: “I was motivated by my own experiences, that of the people around me and unfortunately, the frequent and horrendous news headlines.

"The responsibility is so often put on individual women to be vigilant. We rarely focus on what really needs to change, how we can educate people and create a situation where women feel safe to use their voice and be heard. It’s a case of bringing the discussion to light and asking why so many women feel unsafe. "

Info and tickets here

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